Sunday, August 2, 2015

Go to a summer craft market

There are craft and farmers' markets everywhere during these summer months.  Cortes Island locations are hosts to three markets and the Journey Oracle cards can be found at the Farmers' Market at Manson's Landing, and at the Craft Market at the Gorge Harbour Marina.

The two settings could not be more different--a deep woodsy corner with bark mulch and fir cones for flooring in Manson's Landing, and a breezy lawn next to a pond at the Marina.

It is easy to think of not going on Market day morning--it takes more than an hour to set up the tent with sheer fabrics and display table.

And what if no one comes for a reading?  The first few minutes can be uneasy and then I remember I am not at the market to sell things (well, maybe a little bit).  Mostly I go to the summer markets because I am hoping the cards will help someone.  Just because we are on vacation doesn't mean we have left our thoughts about difficult situations with family or work or health back at home.

It is very gratifying, and quite humbling, to have strangers be willing to sit in the other chair, and allow me to guide them into their unconscious wisdom by accessing a knowing that they never had to learn, and a remembering that they never had to experience.  So go to a summer market, and while there, try something a little bit different.  It might become a revelation.