Sunday, June 13, 2010

Creating a shamanic portal

One of the most difficult aspects of my journey with the Journey Oracle cards has been learning how to let go of my expectations about how they are to be out in the world. My first notion was that they were somehow like a book, even though their 'book cover' was a box, like many of the boxed sets of tarot cards found in book stores today. I next imagined the cards as a specialty item in a metaphysical store and thought to say yes to the interest shown them from Banyen Books last summer. Although this invitation was very interesting, somehow the box with the bar code has not materialized, and maybe nowt this opening has closed. I also thought of posting them on shamanic web stores but the energy doesn't feel right.

My web master has suggested I consider Facebook and YouTube as appropriate ways to call attention to the oracle cards, and while I have been considering this, something interesting happened at the Friday Market on Cortes Island last week. A young woman came to my table considering a birthday present for her man who had commented about his interest on my cards. I began to tell her something about them, showing the new custom printed version...and suddenly she began to cry. She said," These are a shamanic portal; I can feel myself going there. I can feel the truth in them." Her declaration moved me to reconsider my ongoing calculation for how to attract attention in the larger world. Some things are meant to stay small, and potent, and only be discovered by those who are ready to go there.