We traveled up country from our lush Kona coast holiday and went to Wiamea, Hawaii this afternoon, and I found a used copy of the I Ching, the Classic Chinese Oracle of Change. Although I have created my own oracle cards, and recently have been doing Destiny Card readings for clients, I could not resist such a complete translation of this masterpiece of divination that represents a way of knowing common to pre-technological and shamanic cultures, and to the guidance we contact each night in dreams. But can I have too many oracles?
Upon scanning the introductory pages, I came to this excellent explanation of why consult an Oracle.
The urge to consult the Oracle arises when you feel entangled with something that evades the usual methods of problem-solving. Resistance, reluctance, anxiety, strong desire, the sense of something hidden or confusing, the need for more information, the sense of an important opportunity, the need to feel in contact with something larger than yourself all indicate that you need to see-behind or see-though the situation. The Oracle can open this deeper perspective; the responsibility and decision remain yours.
In this edition Ritsema and Karcher describe the first most important step is making the question, so I decided to ask the I Ching: what is my use of the I Ching?

I have thrown my pennies, and created the primary and the related hexagram, and find myself in the maze of ancient roots that describes my present dilemma: arguing with myself about taking on yet another complex symbol language that would take years of study to master, and creating growth through learning whose sacrifice requires pushing beyond ordinary limits.
So the answer to my wondering about too many oracles is not a question answered by yes or no, but one responded to by choosing, or not, commitment and sacrifice. And I understand that this choice is the heart of all shamanic work. Am I willing to commit? Do I willingly make the sacrifice?