This is a drum to die for.
What an idea for our time. To celebrate death as an opening to new
beginnings. And yet we each do this every
day, every moment. Nothing can be born
without a dying. Every death is a cause
of something new to appear.
This new drum from the Journey Oracle is a celebration of
death as a doorway. Death is the
This beautiful blacktail deer on Cortes Island died and so this drum could be born. So our spiritual practice could have a
voice. This is not bad. This is normal. We all die.
We all have a voice that will become another voice.
Like fractals in Nature—a nonlinear pattern that repeats
itself—the handhold of this drum repeats the pattern of the opening in the deer’s
hide. This polished circle of Australian moonstone is a celebration of the space inside the stone.
It is not the material that surrounds a hole that
is so much important. It is the space inside
that is being outlined for us to see. This
opening. Held in a spider’s web of
possibility. So fragile and yet strong
enough to hold a new beginning that is worth the dying for.

This drum is available through my Etsy webstore. Click on this link to enjoy more stories about how I became a drum maker,