Think of a situation that is confounding you; whose possible paths of choice and action are tangled and difficult to see. Perhaps it is occurring to you as you read this. Here is the card you have drawn for your journey to the Oracle about this situation. The card’s orientation has come up the way it needs to.

See first the card phrase—then look deeply into the card image. This image shows you how to understand this phrase. Describe what you see in the card image using simple language. Describe images, colors, shapes, and also what you feel and associate with them. Now see your situation in this description, and apply the phrase to the story you are telling yourself about your situation. How is this image, and phrase, an answer to your question?
Deepen your understanding of your revelation by noticing the color of the card’s rim. This shows the card is part of the Wiccan wheel of the year suit in the Journey Oracle divination deck, so one or more of the following themes are a major influence in your situation:
hope, light, perspective, time. This card represents the seasonal energy of Samhain, or Hallowe'en, on October 31. What feelings or associations do you have with this time of the year? How do these additional layers extend the meaning of the insight you have received about your situation?