Reveal your hidden present with a Journey Oracle card reading. Journey Oracle is part of our divination history including the Oracle of Delphi, the Dodona Oracle in Greece and the Ammon Oracle in Libya. Use the divination art and stories to interpret messages and find revelation.
In a fire ceremony it is important to court the fire. To do this the most important thing to know is that fire is alive. Shamanic wisdom understands that everything is alive: any distinction being not between animate and inanimate matter, but more accurately, between obvious and subtle matter. Everything alive needs the food of our effort to feel welcome and fully present when invited into ceremony. This means that not just the fire must be courted and fed when making a ceremony; our gifts must begin with food for the earth upon which the fire will be built. And what of the plants and animals already living on and in the earth beneath the fire? These must be honored also, and moved to safety if possible, to be returned after the fire ceremony is concluded.
Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec war god, then showed me to ask the client to pay five “hearts” in exchange for the work. Although we consider ourselves much too enlightened now to grab still-beating hearts from the bodies of humans, many of us have collections of hearts made from the minerals and materials of the earth, taken and shaped as if these bones of the Mother were slaves to our desire, without the need of asking permission or offering thanks. When we make conscious what was required to bring these objects in their altered form to our hand, and then give this form back to the earth, we feed back to life our effort to understand the scale of our indebtedness to it.
These energies are still with us. When we tell their stories they jump up and live again in our present awareness to feed our hunger for knowing the forces that flow in the seen and unseen realms. The images and stories of the Journey Oracle divination card deck also feed our ancient hunger to know the seasons, the full moons, the tree spirits and the shamanic journey. These forces speak through the colors, images and associations we make when doing life readings for spirit-filled advice.
I was recently told that I hold emotional control by taking a teaching role among my friends, and that this would be something good to let go of, where appropriate. I can feel the emotional control clamping down at the mere mention of advice to let go, as if my ego thinks I am about to spiral out of control at the suggestion. I have been a teacher my entire adult life: in some form this always seems to include emotional as well as intellectual control, and so advice about how to let go would be helpful.
The writings of James P Carse and Ken McCleod have been helpful for insights and activities that create ways to let go of emotional control, as have the writings of Pema Chodron. You can discover more about this divination deck, and how to create your own readings , at www.journeyoracle.com.