While there are many deities associated with night magic, none is perhaps as spectacular and available as being out of doors in the magic of the full moon. As an
oyster farmer I experience both the privilege and the curse of working the night tides, which are filled with magic as well as dread. During night work it is easy to feel frail and insignificant against the towering deities of moon-lit trees, the glitter magic of hermit crabs moving like night lights across the cobble, and the sounds of great blue heron, the only birds I have heard calling and flying at night like sentinels of the
ancient Moon deities.
Sometimes the night is filled with a different sort of magic. Last night we heard a dim roar, as if a magic creature were slowly lumbering toward us out of the night sky. The sound intensified until a helicopter topped the forest rim and flew parallel to our beach. We saw it was a
Search and Rescue craft flying low, with its massive night lights raking the waters and beach near us, like those special kinds of night magic deities that come to our aid during our worst nightmares. We stopped our work to watch as this flying night savior made several passes, and I sent prayers that who ever was lost on this still cold night would be able to be found. Such moments of connection with the hope and dread that others are experiencing right now in many places on the planet always reminds me that we are all cousins in this elegantly
evolving creation. May all our spirit prayers, for all our relations, be answered.

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