Yellow Oxide . . . spirit manifest
Mexico Yellow . . . power to remember
Raw Sienna . . . power to know
Red Ochre . . . power to will
Burnt Sienna . . . power to act
Van Dyke Brown . . . power to dare
Raw Umber . . . that which supports
Burnt Umber . . . strength
Cassel Earth . . . power to create
Vegetable Black . . . ancient ancient
Black Iron Oxide . . .power to keep silent
Chromium Oxide . . . life force manifest
Veridian Green . . . power to move
Ultramarine Blue . . . power to change
Cobalt Blue . . . deep knowing
Cobalt Violet . . . precious one
(fire clay) Cobalt . . . power to go
Magnesium Zirconium Silicate . . . desire attained
Zinc White . . . power to protect
Silver Pearl . . . knowing the Mystery
Copper Metallic . . . original wisdom
Gold Metallic . . . power of happiness
This drum painting was made using Mexico yellow and burnt sienna for the seals' bodies and black iron oxide for their eyes. These spirit creatures are swimming in ultramarine blue, among bubble-like areas of natural white on the drum hide, which have been highlighted with silver pearl. How do you understand the message woven from these earth pigments? How would the message of this painted drum be an oracle to guide your journey drumming?