The other-than-human world loves what it finds to eat, but often avoids or challenges others of its kind. So if I want to attract eagle energy, I want to be more like a mouse instead of like another eagle. But how do I be a mouse to attract eagle as a spirit helper?
Many years ago I was giving a drum making workshop on the BC coast. Although the scenery was beautiful, the energy between the participants and myself was not. I understood from my shamanic guidance before the sessions began that this workshop was a lesson for me to "be a mouse" although at the time I didn't know what this meant. Because there were many issues of competition, judgment and self-promotion among the women and myself--I found myself rating my interactions at the end of each session according to "merits and demerits."
When I was annoyed at tardiness, or made veiled criticisms of someone's attitude, or required effort without a break--I gave myself a demerit for my lack of sensitivity. When I stayed detached and polite to another's self-promotion, watched for the best moment to share information rather than follow a schedule, felt kindness toward another's struggle--I gave myself a merit for being balanced in a sacred manner. Toward the end of the drum making workshop I had a revelation: this is how a mouse finds food. The mouse considers each seed for its nourishment or lack, it focuses on details as it moves along; the mouse builds a supply of what tastes good and knows what to avoid.

I believe my attention to detail and perseverance across the drum making workshop did attract spirit helpers who receive nourishment from these mice aspects. If you are wanting to attract spirit helpers, ask to be given experiences in which the energy of your actions will be good food for the spirit helper you are seeking. And then watch and learn from the experience.