While on holiday and away from my oracle card readings and shamanic painting, I like to go sketching, but the rainy Puna coast near Hilo, on the big island of Hawaii, is not always supportive of working outdoors. And so I discovered a different kind of book illustration. I began using my watercolor pencils to embellish meaningful passages in Martin’s book—as a way of re-finding their wisdom, but more importantly as a way of feeding the Holy in his words with my efforts to make something beautiful for them to wear.
Of course this different kind of book illustration takes a long time, since I first read the chapter in its entirely, and then re-read it, feeling for those passages that have a sparkle like the ocean does when the sun has climbed high enough into the spring sky to fox trot over the watery mirrored dance floor below. Next is finding an image and colors that have good fit with the passage—without being reduced to an illustration of it.

As it turns out, this kind of book illustration is turning a rainy day in paradise into lots of fun.