Gaze into the picture on the phrase side of card 1. This is an image of your situation. Describe what you see using simple language. Notice colors, shapes and also what you feel. These five sentences deepen the meaning of your situation.

This situation began by being all set up.
The prevailing energy of this situation is laden with dirt.
The core energy pattern of this situation is dark and foreboding.
The Mother of this situation is exotic.
The Father of this situation is a line in the sand.
Turn card 1 over and gaze into the picture on the question side of the card. This is your relationship to the situation. Notice colors, shapes and also what you feel. These five sentences deepen the meaning of your relationship to the situation.

My relationship to the prevailing energy is filled with wonder.
My perception of the situation is fleeting.
The impact of this perception is varied.
The connection between the core energy pattern and the situation is felt as distressing.
The momentum of this situation is fed by going asleep.
Read the sentence below. Close your eyes and visualize this support helping your situation.
A relationship with claws is the support that will guide you in this situation.
Open your eyes and gaze again at the question side of card 1. Read the question aloud. This question about your situation came in a dream.

How safe is this repair?
How is this an answer to the question? A bubble.
Feel the question change your situation. These sentences will deepen meaning about change coming into your situation.
The power needed to shift this situation will be heard as a harsh sound.
Change will come into this situation by reverting to old patterns.
Your relationship to the change in this situation is like a doorway.
The moment of letting go into the change of this situation will smell heavenly.
The concern to be avoided within this change will taste heavy.
These sentences will deepen meaning about the transformation resulting from change.
The wisdom of making it the best ever will empower the transformation of this situation.
Completed transformation will be felt as a quality of black night.
Turn back to the phrase side of card 1. Read the phrase. This is guidance from Divine Will.

This prose poem is guidance from the Oracle. Read these phrases. Some more than others will speak into your situation in a way that you can best hear right now. Allow time to reflect and integrate. Wisdom will be revealed by feeling the truth of the Oracle in your own way.
helps you go deeper
must go this way
a guardian in this place
been there before