The meaning of drums in my dreams is children. Just like cats are the children in my house. When I dream of children--this is about drums. Sometimes a small child will appear in a dream and be very round like in a puffy snow suit, with arms and legs sticking out at odd angles. This means I am dreaming of a drum.
There are two new drums in my house this week. This 17" frame drum has that "round child" look from my decision to tie in the voice differently with 5 thongs: to anchor the five kinds of time that Martin Prechtel writes about in his eloquent book the "Disobedience of the Daughter of the Sun."
Sometimes a child in this reality chooses a child from that dream reality. The 14" drum I built today of Cortes Island deer hide and British Columbia Spruce wood became the dream drum of my cat Mauchica,

The first drum built is now dry enough to begin to plan how to make the hold-fast in the back that will enable the drummer to ride this good horse into the dreams of the spirit world. Perhaps this drum is the ancient heart of rhythm--it has such a long, resonant tone already--that I think I may set this heart shaped stone in the center of its cedar ring.

Even though this drum is only a few days old--already it has an ancient face, as if it has come back from the oldest dreams, to be a child again in this world.