I see an otherworldly creature, whose eyes cannot yet see this human reality. It looks a bit startled and on guard, as if wondering, "How did I get here? I cannot sort this out."
This second card represents "the experience" of the drum; the story the drum is living at this moment within the situation. I see a baby deer who is both trusting and at the same time paying full attention.
The expression is wide awake, as if wondering, "Do I have first aid?"
This third Journey Oracle card represents "change." That moment in the situation when something decisive happens or something changes completely. I see a magical turkey-like bird, which is called the "give-away or thanksgiving eagle" in some indigenous communities. This is the transformation the drum is experiencing as it dries, and its unique voice and purpose is revealed. Although this drum is on my smallest 12" hoop, it clearly is showing a big heart full of gratitude. So this is "Why did I return?"
This fourth card represents the final solution to the situation, what the drum wants as an outcome. I see two magical eyes, each able to see a different reality and yet looking out from the same face. I think this is the drum's purpose: to be able to be a guide in both this world and the spirit world, so the drummer need never wonder, "Have I taken a wrong turn?"