Sunday, September 15, 2019

The earth is a seed planting itself over and over.  

This quote from Craig Childs in his book: Apocalyptic Planet, had a profound impact on me as I finished this 8th dream painting in my series of  47 paintings based on the cards of the Journey Oracle. Each paintings is based on a question I received in a dream for each card, as I was creating the Oracle deck.  The question became part of the Oracle pronouncements, and these many years later, the question is the title of the painting.

Doesn't anyone else get to enjoy how they look?  
What about Annie Feather and Michael Root?

I do not know who Annie Feather and Michael Root are,
 but they might be these creatures.

What I do know is that, somehow, the dream question is about humans not being so arrogant in their sense of preciousness, or smallness, or bigness. It is about everyone, everything, wanting to enjoy who they are and how they are: tree, rock. flower, fruit, owl, fox.


Perhaps our sense of person-hood, of personality,
 is like the doll forms scattered about.  

We think we are significant in our responsibility for repairing what we have done to this good earth without considering how this self-assigned responsibility isolates us from all that is.  When we think we are outside, it is easy to not look inside the other-than-human experience for parallel consciousness and emotion.

But we are always being watched.  
We are always being invited to the feast.  

The earth is a seed planting itself over and over.  We are not the gardeners.  We are no benevolent being leaving the house every morning with a watering can and a trowel to dig up weeds, wiping our brows midday to marvel at our handiwork.  Instead, we are within the seed itself.  We are part of its cells and the hardness of its coat, our place not to marvel at the futility and smallness of ourselves but to keep life moving.  What we do now, from the inside, determines the vigor of that seed, how long it might live and plant itself again.